My Blog

Welcome to my Blog. Here, you will see the designing processes I will go through during my time on the course - FDA Design for Communication at UAL. Here you will encounter a range of collected work from images, ideas, inspirations, networks, links and information.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

ED Med Levitra Gives Users a Really Nice Package

Levitra, the latest erectile-dysfunction pill on the market, is going hard on design. The brand’s parent company Bayer Healthcare has adopted new packaging that not only looks sexy but works precisely how you need it to.

No Ink - 100%

It’s no secret that bad design can cause of lot of environmental hurt. Some special offenders, like the gas-guzzling Hummer or the nearly impossible to recycle styrofoam cup, are well known in the public eye.

Information Graphics

Gregg Gillis quit his job as a biomedical engineer two years ago to become a full-time mashup artist known as Girl Talk. He still approaches his music like a scientist, though, combining the DNA of songs in divergent genres to grow unique hybrid jams. He’s the only one who knows the full genetic code. 

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Saks Shopping Bags (Design, Shapes, yes Please)

Pentagram’s Michael Bierut and Jennifer Kinon worked on the campaign with Terron E. Schaefer, Saks’ group senior vice president for sales and marketing. The team previously developed the store’s spring campaign, which playfully asked shoppers to “Think About…

Typographic Circle (My style of Work)

Issue 16 of Circular, the magazine of the Typographic Circle, designed by Domenic Lippa is out now.
This issue features articles on SpinBibliothèqueFernando Gutiérrez, the late Ken Dickinson, Design Project and a piece by Jeremy Leslie charting the development of editorial design from The New Yorkerof 1925 through Nova to Re- and Carl*s Cars. Also featured are Pentagram’s own Harry Pearce and Domenic Lippa.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Code Fashion Logo

Just something I did in my spear time! My end result in the bottom right logo, it's MUCH more simplified so it's more practical when printing in small scales. 

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Alphabet by WAX!

I did this by firstly printing the letters and then melting was on it, while spraying silver paint to give it an effect.